How to lose weight correctly: nutrition, exercise and weight loss speed

The recommendations given in this section are easier to follow for people who have already attended our sessions and are in natural weight loss mode. They are reduced to a reminder or an analysis of the most common errors.

The only real possibility

When dreaming about being thin, it is necessary to clearly understand that the only way to effectively lose weight, or simply lose a few extra kilos for a while, is to "burn" all the excess, using it as fuel for basic metabolism and activity.

Let's make a separate reservation: if you have a psychophysical inclination to overdo kilocalories, following your desires may be a difficult task for you. Weight loss is much easier for those who have completed the S. P. Semenov program on obesity. They allow you to enter a stable energetic state that promotes weight loss. After this, by following instructions at home, eating low-calorie foods and staying active, good tone becomes a lifestyle.

how to eat healthy

A mandatory kilocalorie deficit occurs if the same intensity of vital activity is maintained and energy consumption is reduced by reducing the average daily calorie intake. And remember: you need to consume less food, not fewer calories! To do this, you must take into account the calorie content of the food. It is recommended to avoid the consumption of sugar, baked goods and foods high in fat.

A proper diet must be balanced.

To achieve the ideal weight, some accept many things, including unilateral, incomplete monodiets, when it is proposed to eat for months dishes with a clear predominance of one product: one of the cereals, some vegetables or vice. vice versa: animal protein, drinking a lot, using quite powerful herbal infusions, etc. , etc.

Often, after much torment, the majority discovers their error for themselves. But it is better not to do it, not to listen to bad advice and not to spoil your already not very successful metabolism!

Even a low-calorie diet should be as varied as possible, tasty and, in any case, complete in composition, contain the necessary amount of proteins, fats and be rich in vitamins and minerals.

rules for losing weight

Remember about proteins and vitamins.

With proper nutrition, food contains the norm of well-digestible proteins established by nutritionists (eggs, fish, meat, dairy products), the required amount of carbohydrates and the age daily norm of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat more often, do not allow yourself to feel hungry. Hunger will activate nutrient storage mechanisms.

For optimal speed of weight loss, choose a daily caloric intake that is 500 to 600 kilocalories less than your daily energy expenditure. See a selection of food products for 1300, 1500 and 1700 kilocalories here.

Rules for performing physical exercises.

Is it necessary to actively engage in physical exercise to accelerate the weight loss process? How to correctly dose exercises so that they burn excess fat? Is it possible to develop an optimal training program that will allow you to get rid of extra pounds in the shortest possible time? All these questions deeply worry many of our compatriots who want to look beautiful and young!

First of all, it must be understood that excess weight does not appear due to banal "gluttony", but precisely due to the body's internal mood to receive an extra "portion of calories". The main reason for this is the excess of energy consumption (from food) over daily expenditure. Being in this mode and trying to lose weight by increasing the intensity of physical activity, most likely, a positive result will not be achieved. Although physical exercise will help improve your health and be more fit.

You can swim regularly, spin the hula-hoop and do other exercises that will help you to a certain extent improve your figure, increase muscle mass and posture, but these activities will clearly not be enough to lose weight. The fact is that the human body will proportionately need (and, rest assured, receive) additional energy to replenish costs.

The first thing you should do before increasing energy costs is to reset and reset your feelings. This technique is called autogenic programming and with its help you can quickly solve the problem of lack of motivation.

You can and should walk more and, if possible, swim regularly. Physical activity such as Nordic walking is especially useful for older people, as well as for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Diet to lose weight in the abdomen and sides. Diet menu.

To lose weight you need to exercise and eat healthy, high-quality foods. But losing weight in the abdomen and sides is not an easy task, these places are the most problematic and difficult to correct. And a special diet will help reduce the volume, allowing you to eat practically without restrictions and with health benefits.

Diet principles

Nutrition principles for weight loss.

To lose weight in the abdomen and sides, you must first eliminate the cause of weight gain. If you have problems with endocrinology, be sure to undergo treatment. If your thyroid gland functions normally, eliminate other factors that cause weight gain:

  • Eat frequently, but in small portions. A strict diet and hunger strikes will do more harm than good.
  • Avoid sweets, soft drinks and flour products.
  • Increase your physical activity. If you don't have time to go to the gym, do aerobic exercises, yoga, or go for a walk around the house in the evenings.
  • Even normal stairs will do.
  • Maintain a drinking regimen by drinking at least 1. 5 liters of clean water daily. In summer, the body needs more: at least 2 liters per day.
  • Avoid salt or reduce your intake. It is unusual and tasteless only for the first 5-7 days, then you will get used to the new taste of the food and it will seem more pleasant to you.
  • Watch your calories. Buy a kitchen scale, weigh each food you eat, and record it in a food diary. This will help you calculate the number of calories you eat and adjust them to be slightly less than normal.

Diet menu for losing weight in the stomach and sides.

There are a large number of diets to lose weight. When choosing, you should take into account your goals: the faster you need to lose weight, the stricter the nutritional system will be. If we talk about a proper diet that is not harmful to health, then it has several components:

  • Small portions: the size of each one should not exceed 250 g.
  • Fractional meals: there should be 3 full meals and 2 snacks per day.
  • Temperature: the food must be hot.
  • Drinking regimen: drink a glass of warm water every morning and then throughout the day 30 minutes before meals and one hour after meals.
  • Combine foods correctly: meat with vegetables, cereals with vegetables. But grains and meat don't go well together.

Diet menu to lose weight in the abdomen and sides for 1 day.

If you decide to follow the right diet to lose weight in the stomach and sides, a sample menu for 1 day will help you.

  • Breakfast. Porridge with water and apple.
  • Sandwich. Cheese sandwich, green tea.
  • Dinner. Chicken soup, baked fish with vegetable salad.
  • Sandwich. 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner. Seafood salad.
  • Late dinner. Kefir or cottage cheese.

If you feel hungry between meals, you can satisfy it with nuts, kefir or any fruit.

Diet menu to lose weight in the abdomen and sides for 4 days.

To get rid of fat deposits, you must constantly adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. Ideally, you should do it throughout your life to reduce the risks of suffering from various diseases and prevent weight gain.

A sample menu for 4 days looks like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 Cheesecakes with curd in the oven Boiled chicken breast, vegetable stew Fish soup
2 hard boiled eggs, toast Puree vegetable soup, piece of boiled fish. Baked beef with zucchini and carrot
3 Oatmeal with milk Buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad Stewed beef with vegetables
4 Rice with vegetables Chicken Soup meat in pots

Diet menu to lose weight in the abdomen and sides for 1 week.

An effective diet for losing weight in the stomach and sides involves giving up sweets. And in order not to experience a carbohydrate deficiency, it is necessary to include more fruits and cereals in your diet.

The weekly menu looks like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 Oatmeal with red berries Beet Soup with Chicken Stewed cabbage, boiled haddock
2 Curd meat casserole Vegetable salad
3 Buckwheat porridge with tomatoes Meat Soup with Potatoes Baked fish in foil with vegetables.
4 Curd cheese cakes Vegetable puree soup Boiled beef, tomato and cucumber salad
5 Cottage cheese casserole Ear Meatballs with rice
6 Hercules porridge with fruits Chicken breast stewed in tomato Millet milk porridge
7 boiled eggs Vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast Vegetable stew with pieces of beef

Effective diets to lose weight at home.

If you want to quickly get rid of belly and side fat, then you should try stricter diets. They help you lose up to 5 kg in a week. But it is possible to fulfill them only if there are no various diseases.

What diets help you lose weight:

  • buckwheat diet - involves eating only buckwheat for 5-7 days;
  • kefir diet: drink only kefir for 3 to 5 days;
  • water diet - eat well and do fasting days every 3 days, during which you can only drink water;
  • cabbage diet - cook dishes only with cabbage for 5-7 days;
  • Rice diet: eat only boiled rice for 5 days.

Nutritionists and doctors are skeptical of monodiets, since they cause enormous damage to the body. Firstly, this is serious stress, and secondly, a lack of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Physical activity for the abdomen and sides.

exercises to lose weight on the stomach and sides

To lose weight in problem areas, choose any sport. But especially effective:

It is best to select weight loss exercises with a trainer or doctor. Age, body weight, equipment and illnesses must be taken into account.

At home, without harm to your health, you can use a number of exercises, including:

  • squats – 20 times;
  • plank – 60 seconds;
  • twist – 15 times on each side;
  • lean to one side – 15 times on each side;
  • jump rope – 1 minute.

If you do the listed exercises 3 or 4 times a week, you will notice significant improvements in your figure. The main thing is not to be lazy, eat right and not get nervous over trifles!

How to lose weight without dieting at home

To achieve a slim figure it is not necessary to go on heavy and prolonged diets. Rather, they will lead to the opposite result, since they too often cause breakdowns and do not produce the expected effect. Nutritionists recommend losing weight at home without dieting. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a balance of two important components: an adequate diet and the corresponding energy costs.

choose between healthy and unhealthy foods

Losing weight without dieting at home is not only realistic, but also more correct. In the process of returning to a slim body and normal weight, the main thing is to avoid blows to the body and systematically move towards the goal, following the useful recommendations of nutritionists and endocrinologists.

Basic rules to lose weight at home without dieting.

basic rules to lose weight without dieting

When it comes to losing weight without dieting at home, we are talking about the correct approach to the weight loss process.

By following the basic rules of weight loss, you will be able to get rid of fat deposits and get in shape in a few months without suffering.

  1. Motivation. Excess weight will not begin to disappear on its own. A person's desire to achieve results must be supported by sufficient motivation. Usually, for this a person realizes why he needs to lose weight and what it will bring him. Willpower and motivation are the most important factors for those who strive for a slim body.
  2. "No" to hunger strikes. The most important rule is that starvation is strictly prohibited, this will only take you further away from achieving your goal. Refusing to eat is very harmful and causes stress in the body. For a normal life, a person needs to consume nutrients. Fasting always causes nervous breakdowns: for some they occur earlier, for others they last longer. As a result, the kilograms return.
  3. Proper nutrition. You need to plan your menu for every day. It is not about a diet, but about proper nutrition. The diet should include healthy foods, without artificial ingredients, then the body will begin to function better and lose weight effectively.
  4. Adequate physical activity. Without adequate energy expenditure, it is impossible to burn excess fat deposits. In addition, feasible, regular and adequate physical exercise (non-sports) allows you to maintain muscle tone and form a beautiful muscle profile.
balanced diet to lose weight

Balanced nutrition to lose weight without dieting.

To correctly create your weight loss diet at home, in addition to proper training and motivation, it is necessary to follow several important recommendations from nutritionists. If done thoroughly, fat deposits will disappear little by little.

physical activity to lose weight

Daily routine rules to lose weight without dieting.

Excess weight is usually a consequence of a slow metabolism in the body. A person can eat very little of the right foods, drink enough water, and still gain weight.

If disorders of the endocrine system are excluded, this may be due to the fact that the day is not structured correctly. To lose weight without dieting at home, it is necessary, in addition to setting the right goal, to be able to properly plan your daily routine.

Often, the body's metabolism slows down in those who go to bed late and wake up late and at the same time feel sleep deprived. Only a few of those who are accustomed to going to bed after midnight are truly night owls by nature. In most cases, this involves an alteration of the daily routine.

The optimal time to go to bed is 10: 00 p. m. , it is recommended to get up at 7: 00 a. m. A person who goes to bed before 11: 00 p. m. and gets up early sleeps well and feels better. The following will help tone the body and speed up metabolism:

  • Morning exercise.
  • Contrast shower after exercise.
  • Motion. Make sure you climb more stairs.
  • Walk outdoors at least 1 hour a day.
  • Vigorous physical exercise.

Proper workouts at home to lose weight.

It is important to understand that it is very difficult to lose weight without dieting at home without physical activity, and in addition, a feasible load on the muscles has a positive effect on the entire body.

It is not always possible to visit a gym or gym, but you can still find a way out. To achieve the desired result when performing physical exercises, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules of implementation:

  • The training frequency should be 2 to 4 times a week. A smaller amount will not give the desired result; More frequent exercise will be stressful for the body. You can start with 2 classes a week, gradually increasing the frequency.
  • It is not recommended to take breaks during the training process. All complexes must be performed smoothly and without stopping.
  • To lose weight, the ideal training time is 40-45 minutes. But poorly prepared people should not start with such long training sessions. It is best to base it on a series of ten-minute physical exercises, gradually adding 5 to 10 minutes per week until you get 40-45 minutes. Excessive loads should also be avoided, as they can cause serious alterations in the functioning of the body.
  • Each exercise must be performed correctly, strictly following the technique. The final result depends on it: whether you achieve a slim and toned body or joint diseases.
  • Any workout should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching the muscle groups worked. Warming up will help warm up your muscles and prevent injuries during exercise.
  • It's good if you have the opportunity to train outdoors. In this case, the warm-up can be replaced by jogging.
  • After weight loss training, it is not recommended to eat immediately after performing the exercises, it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to consume the accumulated fats. Eating is allowed 2 hours after exercise.
  • To obtain results, the exercises should be repeated 10-15 times and, if possible, perform 2-3 approaches with minimal rest between them.

4 common mistakes

Before proceeding directly to considering the diet for weight loss, it is necessary to name the most serious mistakes made by women who decide to "declare war" on extra kilos:

  1. just eat less. The general strategy is correct: it is really necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed. However, we must not forget about the need to follow a balanced diet. A prolonged lack of supply of certain nutrients by the body is guaranteed to cause metabolic disorders, which in the future will only accelerate the gain of the hated excess weight.
  2. Saving hunger. An even more serious mistake is the complete rejection of food, that is, fasting. It is necessary to understand that fat cells, completely deprived of nutrition, are subject to metabolic stress and therefore, immediately after resuming food intake, they begin to produce "reserves" at double speed, in case hunger returns to appear suddenly. Fasting is used quite successfully to treat some diseases, but obesity is not included in its list.
  3. Mono-diets. Diets of this type prescribe eating 200-300 grams of some low-calorie product 4-6 times a day: apples, cucumbers, low-fat kefir, etc. Unfortunately, such a diet is not suitable for sustainable weight loss for the same reasons. that were expressed in the two previous paragraphs. Monodiets are recommended as a one-day fast after some one-time "violations", for example, a big New Year's party.
  4. The lack of water. The biggest mistake women make when trying to lose weight is not drinking enough water. The lack of free fluid makes it difficult to break down fat deposits, making it impossible to lose weight even on the most strict diets. In addition, sometimes a constant feeling of hunger is provoked precisely by dehydration of the body, but after regulating the drinking regime, the irrepressible desire to "chew something" quickly disappears.
Common mistakes when losing weight.

It should also be remembered that sometimes excessive weight gain is due to endocrinological disorders, especially during or after menopause. Diets alone cannot correct this problem. In such a situation, it is better to consult an endocrinologist.

Authorized products

The general rules for an effective diet to lose weight in women are the following four points:

  • completely eliminate "empty" carbohydrates;
  • reduce fat intake to a minimum (but not eliminate it completely! );
  • the menu should contain a sufficient amount of protein foods;
  • Make sure your diet contains enough vitamins and minerals.

Based on this, the consumption of the following types of products and dishes is allowed:

  1. flour products. Rye bread, bran bread, whole grain products.
  2. First food. Lenten vegetables: cabbage soup, beet soup, borscht, vegetarian okroshka.
  3. Meat and fish. All low-fat varieties, boiled or stewed.
  4. Cereals. Pearl barley and buckwheat in the form of crumbly porridge.
  5. Vegetables. Any raw, stewed or boiled.
  6. Eggs. Cooked or hard steam tortillas.
  7. Dairy. Low-fat milk and kefir, low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, unsweetened yogurt.
  8. Fats. Vegetable oil and butter in plates.
  9. Appetizers. Salads from raw or boiled vegetables with a small amount of vegetable oil, seafood.
  10. Sauces. The weak tomato or mushroom ones.
  11. Dessert. Berries and fruits of sweet and sour varieties, sugar-free compotes and jellies.
  12. Drinks. Tea and weak coffee with sugar substitutes, decoction of rosehip or chicory root, tomato juice, unsweetened compotes.
Foods allowed to lose weight.

Prohibited products

  • Products made with premium and superior quality wheat flour;
  • products made from puff pastry and butter dough;
  • first courses with the addition of cereals (except those allowed) and pasta;
  • all fatty meats or fish, even in the form of broths;
  • lard, cooking fats;
  • varieties of boiled and smoked sausages;
  • canned fish in oil;
  • pasta, semolina, rice, legumes;
  • potatoes - limited;
  • baked milk, cream, sweet yogurts;
  • fatty varieties of cheese and cottage cheese in any form;
  • types of sauces and fatty or spicy snacks;
  • refined sugar in any form, cocoa;
  • sweet fruits: bananas, grapes, raisins, dates, figs.


The most difficult question when losing weight is how many times a day should you eat? The best option: five times: three main meals and two intermediate snacks to suppress the growing feeling of hunger. Snacks should be as light as possible; For example, eat an apple or a boiled egg.

Sample diet menu for a week.


  • Breakfast: vegetable casserole.
  • Lunch: mushroom borscht, meat pie with stewed carrots, fruit jelly.
  • Dinner: carrot and cottage cheese casserole.
  • Breakfast: boiled beet puree.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken with carrot puree, fruit jelly.
  • Dinner: Vegetarian Olivier dressed with sour cream.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with a little butter.
  • Lunch: green cabbage soup with boiled egg, stewed meat garnished with peas, baked apples.
  • Dinner: fruit salad.
  • Breakfast: baked herring, boiled potatoes.
  • Lunch: vegetarian borscht, stewed beet salad, boiled beef stroganoff.
  • Dinner: mashed zucchini, one-egg omelette.
  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs from one egg, vegetable salad with a little sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: beet soup, stewed meat with raw vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, stewed cabbage.
  • Breakfast. pearl barley porridge with a little butter.
  • Lunch: borscht or lean soup, boiled meat, stewed beet salad.
  • Dinner: vegetarian cabbage rolls.


  • Breakfast: vinaigrette with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled meat with stewed cabbage.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes and steamed omelette.

The daily norm of bread does not exceed 150 grams.

And one more thing, in conclusion.

A correctly formulated diet guarantees safe and sustainable weight loss, but such weight loss will most likely occur unevenly if the diet is not complemented by a series of individually selected physical exercises.

This is quite easy to do: just buy a club card for a good gym and contact a trainer-instructor for proper advice. A combination of diet and exercise will help you quickly regain your weight and figure back to ideal condition. And isn't this what every woman dreams of?