How to find motivation to lose weight

how to lose excess weight

How to motivate yourself to lose weight is an ever-present question. Not everyone can prepare for change, look towards a healthy future without worries and find the strength to give up their addiction to food as comfort and the only source of pleasure. And it's not even about weakness, but rather a lack of desire and poorly formulated goals. Everything will be fine, you just have to want it; This truth also applies to the fight against excess weight. But what if we are used to postponing the resolution of important issues until later and starting a new life exclusively on Monday? There is only one way out: look for the strongest motivators that force you to act right now, before it is too late.

How often do we dream? I will start running in the morning, eat well, give up fast food and sweets. . . It is true that, as a general rule, things do not go beyond these promises we make to ourselves. It would seem that it is not in our best interest to stop halfway, but most feel comfortable doing nothing and continuing with their usual way of life.

It is time to stop being afraid of change and understand: by continuing to postpone taking care of our figure, we are harming ourselves and gradually deteriorating our health. After all, losing weight not only means starting to like yourself and others, smiling at your reflection in the mirror, putting on dresses that are too small, but also feeling truly reborn, without the burden of extra pounds and sores: difficulty in breathing, Bloating and other problems that accompany it go hand in hand with excess weight.

How can you force yourself to start losing weight without having to endure working on yourself countless times? First, let's try to clearly formulate our reasons.

Starting a new life: setting a goal

set a weight loss goal

Think about what do you want? Basically, the desire to regain thinness is caused by:

  • dreams of attractiveness and the return of the lost feeling of lightness;
  • awareness that losing weight is simply necessary to maintain health and beauty;
  • problems derived from excess weight: diabetes, varicose veins, gastrointestinal disorders, difficulty breathing, cardiac dysfunction, etc.

Think about your health before it completely deteriorates, become irresistible in the eyes of others and love yourself; That is why it is vitally important to motivate yourself to lose weight and completely transform your lifestyle. This is especially true for those who constantly hear from their friends: "You've gained a lot of weight! ". He also buys new, oversized things because his favorite dresses and blouses have outgrown them, he is forced to be ashamed of his body and constantly go to the doctor due to his deteriorating health. Allow yourself to open a new page in your life: start the path to thinness with the right steps!

How to find motivators to lose weight?

Do not forget that the goal must be formulated clearly and clearly - it will be our "engine" on the path to the desired result. To find it, you need to look inside yourself. Honestly answer the question: why do you want to lose weight?

  • Are you tired of constant depression and want the reflection in the mirror to make you happy?
  • Are health problems stopping you from living life to the fullest?
  • Do people around you constantly hint to you that it's time to think about your figure?

The main thing is to start losing weight not for others, but for yourself. Then you will feel satisfied with the result and begin to work on yourself, not under pressure, but with pleasure and a strong desire to change.

losing excess weight motivates you to lose weight

It is also worth thinking: are we doing everything right? No advice from a psychologist will help you if the motivation to lose weight is an empty phrase for you and the desire to eat is sacred.

  • Try to solve problems yourself - an honest conversation with your inner self will not hurt anyone. First, set a realistic goal to strive for. For example, put on an old dress or jeans.
  • Convince yourself that losing weight is a transition to a new healthy life and not torture for the body. After all, if you choose the right option (a balanced diet, maintaining daily caloric intake and combating physical inactivity), this will happen. With a change in your own habits will come a new sense of self.
  • You should not lose weight before a certain date; there is a high risk of relaxing after conquering this Everest. Always take care of your figure, without limiting yourself to a period of time.
  • Visualization works well: watch movies and shows about losing weight, find motivational pictures for the refrigerator or desktop to maintain self-confidence.

Another way to tune in to the right wave also helps: keep a diary in which all the ups and downs will be noted, not only the positive moments and achievements, but also the difficulties that you had to experience. Don't be afraid to write about how difficult it was to switch from your usual high-calorie foods to healthy foods. Remember: honesty and self-confidence come first.

For men, the motivation to lose weight should be stricter than for girls. Don't be afraid to tell yourself "you can't": think about what you are depriving yourself of by allowing your own weaknesses. Attention from the opposite sex, good health, athletic physique: do you want it all? Then move on and change your own diet. And don't forget: water does not flow under a lying stone.

What to do if the weight has increased: how to force the body to lose weight again and believe in a good result

Often, on the way to the goal, a plateau effect occurs, a kind of delay in losing extra pounds, when the number on the scale is in no hurry to change, despite all our tricks. Should we panic? In no case.

how to find the strength to lose weight
  • Remember that the reasons for a sudden "break" can be completely different: from the beginning of menstruation to a slowdown in metabolism.
  • A plateau effect often occurs when someone who is losing weight becomes addicted to diets and limits themselves in everything. Eat a proper diet and eat well.
  • Do not overdo it with physical activity: too intense training can lead to metabolic disorders. Take care of your body: Choose walking, swimming, or aerobic exercise, but not the treadmill, weight training, or hours of self-experimentation at the gym.

Advice from a psychologist: how to motivate yourself to lose weight so as not to fail

  • Don't set the bar too high: set only the goal you can achieve. Believe in yourself and see the present as an opportunity to create a wonderful future.
  • Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for support; sometimes it is simply necessary.
  • Think of yourself with love and respect. We all deserve to be healthy and slim, beautiful and successful.

The best, strongest and most correct motivation to lose weight, which we lack so much, is the idea that we can change. By getting rid of excess weight, we give ourselves a life without health problems, despair and dissatisfaction caused by our own body. Being thin is an opportunity to turn the page and start living in a new way, with joy and ease. Don't put off working on yourself until tomorrow. Get started today and move forward with confidence.

Psychology of weight loss and the search for motivation: looking for the ideal incentive

weight loss psychology

Some people refuse to lose weight because they associate the changes that await them with something unpleasant and obviously unsuccessful. Who would like to give up their favorite food without a worthy alternative or a fanatical workout in a gym (especially for a person far from sports)? It is clear that those who are only faced with unjustifiably harsh measures are only deterred from losing weight and forced to remain in their comfort zone with their favorite delicacies for many years.

Negative motivation works exactly the other way around. Imagine being constantly reminded of the threat of obesity, being forced to reduce your diet or even starve yourself, and being informed of the negative consequences that could arise if you suddenly collapsed and lost your way. The result of such admonitions and restrictions is a subconscious fear of failure: a person begins to fear that he will not be able to meet the requirements or maintain the result and withdraws into himself. An incorrect attitude develops: the belief that a full life is only possible after losing weight. And, unfortunately, this does not contribute to a positive result, it only increases dissatisfaction with oneself.

First you need to understand simple things:

  • The fear of nothing going well is an obstacle to being thin. You have to say to yourself with confidence: "I can do it! " A positive attitude is half of success, our trump card in the fight against extra pounds.
  • People who are used to eating incorrectly often cannot give up the benefits that unhealthy foods bring them. One of them is the convenience of food, access to an antidepressant that is always at hand. Find meaning in a healthy and slim life, not in cakes and buns! We eat to live, we do not live to eat.
  • Love yourself: a person who is confident in himself and his attractiveness will never think of overeating to drown out melancholy, loneliness or depression. Stop being shy about your body: visualize the figure of your dreams, believe in yourself and everything will work out!

Why does negative motivation never help? The problem is that it makes a person ruthless towards himself, forces him to punish himself for being overweight, obeying strict rules, living in conditions of prohibitions and total "impossibility". This attitude can cause serious psychological problems, depression and new kilos of weight.

Don't forget: effective weight loss is only possible with positive motivation, for both women and men:

  • Think about the fact that your thinness is an example for others who want to change, but cannot find the strength within themselves to transform.
  • The path to thinness can be easy and simple: proper nutrition and the help of specialists will help you overcome all obstacles and achieve the desired thinness without the restrictions and harm of dubious methods.
  • The goal is achievable: the only thing that matters is the right attitude, following the right principles, support and the formation of new values.
  • Light, low-fat foods can be very tasty. By eliminating fast food, sweets and smoked foods from your diet, you find healthy and appetizing substitutes for them and, most importantly, you begin to control what you eat and control the calorie content of your dishes. Treats are not prohibited: they can be fruit and berry jellies and mousses, fruit salads and cocktails, dark chocolate.
  • Let's not forget about physical activity, but even here you need to know when to stop: exercising in the gym is canceled until you start sweating. The best options are running, swimming, stretching or doing yoga, walking instead of sitting in front of the TV, and getting out into nature.

Motivation for proper nutrition: lose weight without harm

how to lose weight without harm

An effective fight against extra pounds does not mean constant deprivation and categorical restrictions that can lead to hunger, but a transition to a healthy, balanced diet and regular eating. You can't skip breakfast, lunch and dinner; think for yourself, do you want your body to suffer from exhaustion and slowing down of metabolic processes? Then give him the necessary energy every day, monitoring the calorie content of his meals and following the instructions of specialists.

Stop saying "I can't": eating well and losing weight with pleasure is very simple. The main thing is to give up comfort food and the only meaning of life. You can overcome your addiction to everything high-calorie and harmful, and you have the power to start the path to thinness right now!

How to find strong motivation to lose weight

Should you look for incentives on your own or seek advice from professionals? Some reasons remain hidden until you visit a specialist. That is why it is vitally important to seek help from those who know firsthand the underlying causes of excess weight. You will learn how to change yourself without betraying yourself, start a new life and regain your thinness without harm to your health, and all this with constant support for you in any endeavors and help in the first steps towards the figure of your dreams.

The right motivation to lose weight, a positive attitude and the desire for better results will help you find your ideal weight and maintain it, maintaining self-confidence and beauty. Say goodbye to dissatisfaction with your body and transform with us, losing weight according to individual programs with comfort for your health. Contact our clinic, attend your first free consultation and you will understand: losing extra kilos is easy and simple!