Diet for gastritis: menus, recipes and principles of home nutrition

Nutritional therapy for gastritis reduces stomach upset and pain caused by inflammation.

The correctly selected menu contributes to the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, the normalization of digestion. The diet for gastritis of the stomach includes treatment tables No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The choice of a specific menu depends on the level of acidity, the phase of the disease. Tables 1, 4, 5 have several options. In the number of the main diet, they are designated by letters and used depending on the severity of symptoms, the period of the disease (acute form, fainting, chronic).

How much should you diet with gastritis? Close monitoring is necessary during an exacerbation and in the first months afterward. But ideally, a patient diagnosed with gastritis should adhere to the recommended table during remission. However, menu extensions and holiday exceptions are possible. If only within reasonable limits, and if we are not talking about coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and fatty foods.

Diet for stomach gastritis: basic rules

Regarding the organization of the diet for gastritis at home, the gastroenterologist advises patients to adhere to five key rules.

diet rules for gastritis
  1. Food processing. For gastritis, food must be thermally processed. Even raw vegetables and fruits are an exceptional case. Meat and fish are not eaten in pieces. These products are separated from bones, skin, tendons and are prepared in the form of meatballs, chops, cabbage rolls.
  2. Fractional menu. Food for gastritis should be frequent. But you should eat in small portions, at regular intervals. Ideally, the patient eats four to five times a day every three hours. The last meal is no later than 7: 00 PM. Patients diagnosed with gastritis should chew all food thoroughly.
  3. Drink lots of fluids. With gastritis, you need to drink a lot. Especially still alkaline drinks. The following waters are suitable for patients with gastritis: "Essentuki", "Borzhomi", "Mirgorodskaya". To remove carbon dioxide, the bottle is uncorked and placed in a container with warm water for about 20 minutes, this drink is useful before meals. In addition to medicinal water, for gastritis, patients are shown compotes of dried fruits and fresh berries.
  4. First courses. Soups are essential in the diet of a patient with gastritis. However, preference is given to vegetarian recipes or second or third non-rich meat broths.
  5. Cooking food. Gastritis patients are prohibited from eating very hot or very cold food. Food can be steamed, boiled, or baked without the crust. Nothing fried, pickled, canned, fermented with a diagnosis of gastritis is impossible. Porridge is boiled in water or half milk without butter. Also, at the stage of exacerbation of gastritis and in the presence of severe clinical symptoms, it is better to follow the recommendations for cooking, which are prescribed in therapeutic diet No. 1. It was developed by Manuil Pevzner. In particular, it is preferable to eat food in its pure form. The products are brought to the state of soufflé or pate with a strainer, as well as with a mixer. Table number 1 is usually prescribed during a peptic ulcer exacerbation.

In many ways, the diet for gastritis resembles the recommended menu for children in the first years of life. There is no place for greasy, fried and sweet things. Dishes are prepared without spices and with a minimal amount of flavoring spices. And to facilitate the digestion process, the food is chopped as much as possible.

Principles of a low acid diet

The main function of nutrition in this type of gastritis is to stimulate the production of enzymes and acid in the stomach, to accelerate the passage of food to the intestines.

Preference should be given to pureed and liquid foods, but, unlike other forms of gastritis, acidic foods are acceptable, for example, kefir, fresh cottage cheese, citrus fruits. Outside the period of exacerbations, you can even eat fried food, but strictly without breading and limiting the amount of oil. The temperature of food should not be higher than 60 degrees or lower than 15. The caloric content of the daily diet is up to 2500-3000 kcal.

Principles of a diet for gastritis with high acidity

Regardless of the causes of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is important to follow the diet when treating gastritis with high acidity.

It is similar to the treatment of the acute phase: nothing fried, salty, smoked, spicy, a lot of liquid and pureed food, small portions. The products should not provoke the secretion of gastric juice, remain in the stomach for a long time, and, in addition, irritate the mucous membrane. The principles of nutrition are almost identical to the diet for acute gastritis, however, cutlets, dumplings are introduced into the diet, the daily salt intake is slightly increased (up to 8 g), and bakery products are allowed. Food is best steamed, steamed, boiled, or baked, eaten hot, and chewed well.

The normal caloric intake for high acid gastritis is 2200-2500 kcal. Often the patient is prescribed additional vitamin complexes to compensate for the lack of vitamins.

Dietary principles for acute diseases

If an exacerbation of the disease occurs, then it would be reasonable for this period to completely exclude any food for the patient and give his digestive system a rest. In the event that the acute form of the disease is caused by intoxication or by taking certain medications, you must first wash the gastrointestinal tract and induce vomiting.

Shown to drink hot liquids and tea on the first day. The next day, if the patient's condition has improved, you can gradually begin the process of feeding liquid food. At first, it is recommended to use liquid milk and cereal soups, meat and fish purees. It is also allowed:

  • weak tea,
  • decoctions,
  • gelatin,
  • honey.

When exacerbating, exclude from diet:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits
  • meat broths,
  • fermented dairy products
  • carbonated drinks,
  • coffee,
  • sweets,
  • any bakery product,
  • cheese.

All meals should be steamed and served warm. The caloric content of the diet should not exceed 2000 kcal.

What to eat for gastritis: a list of foods

Nutrition for gastritis of the stomach and a medical menu for every day should be planned, focusing on the rules of the fifth table. The attending physician will suggest a list of foods that are useful and should be in the diet. He will also define a list of those delicacies that you will have to forget with gastritis.

Below is a basic gastritis nutritional chart that highlights the top recommended foods.

Table: Proper nutrition for patients diagnosed with gastritis

Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
Vegetables and herbs
zucchini 0. 6 0. 3 4. 6 24
cauliflower 2. 5 0. 3 5. 4 30
potatoes 2. 0 0. 4 18, 1 80
carrots 1, 3 0, 1 6, 9 32
beets 1. 5 0, 1 8. 8 40
pumpkin 1, 3 0. 3 7, 7 28
Cereals and cereals
buckwheat (unmilled) 12. 6 3. 3 62. 1 313
semolina 10. 3 1. 0 73, 3 328
oats 11. 9 7. 2 69, 3 366
white rice 6. 7 0, 7 78, 9 344
Flour and pasta
noodles 12. 0 3. 7 60, 1 322
Bakery products
white bread biscuits 11. 2 1. 4 72. 2 331
jam 0. 3 0. 2 63. 0 263
gelatin 2. 7 0, 0 17, 9 79
marshmallow 0. 8 0, 0 78, 5 304
meringues 2. 6 20, 8 60. 5 440
marshmallow 0. 5 0, 0 80. 8 310
Maria cookies 8. 7 8. 8 70, 9 400
Raw materials and seasonings
honey 0. 8 0, 0 81. 5 329
sugar 0, 0 0, 0 99. 7 398
milk sauce 2. 0 7, 1 5. 2 84
Dairy products
milk 3. 2 3. 6 4. 8 64
cream 2. 8 20. 0 3. 7 205
Cheese and curd
curd 17. 2 5. 0 1. 8 121
Meat products
boiled meat 25. 8 16. 8 0, 0 254
boiled beef 30, 7 0. 9 0, 0 131
rabbit 21. 0 8. 0 0, 0 156
boiled chicken 25. 2 7. 4 0, 0 170
turkey 19. 2 0, 7 0, 0 84
chicken eggs 12. 7 10. 9 0, 7 157
Oils and fats
butter 0. 5 82, 5 0. 8 748
Soft drinks
mineral water 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 -
Juices and compotes
juice 0. 3 0, 1 9. 2 40
apricot juice 0. 9 0, 1 9. 0 38
gelatin 0. 2 0, 0 16. 7 68
carrot juice 1, 1 0, 1 6. 4 28
pumpkin juice 0, 0 0, 0 9. 0 38
rosehip juice 0, 1 0, 0 17. 6 70
* the data is indicated per 100 g of product
What can be eaten with gastritis of the stomach

The gastritis therapeutic diet provides nutritious and tasty food. Other family members can join this table. The approved product list lets you experiment. For example, gastritis patients can prepare sweet curd stews or vegetable cakes. Kissel will appeal to both adults and children. The fish cake or noodles will not leave you indifferent either.

What not to eat with gastritis: a list of foods

From the diet during the exacerbation of gastritis, first of all, it is necessary to exclude spices, artificial food additives, spicy marinades, sauces and seasonings.

A list of what not to eat, as well as the foods best to abstain from:

Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
Vegetables and herbs
legumes 9, 1 1. 6 27. 0 168
Swedish 1, 2 0, 1 7, 7 37
cabbage 1. 8 0, 1 4. 7 27
sauerkraut 1. 8 0, 1 4. 4 19
green onion 1, 3 0, 0 4. 6 19
onions 1. 4 0, 0 10. 4 41
cucumbers 0. 8 0, 1 2. 8 15
canned cucumbers 2. 8 0, 0 1, 3 16
white radish 1. 4 0, 0 4. 1 21
turnips 1. 5 0, 1 6, 2 30
canned tomatoes 1, 1 0, 1 3. 5 20
hell 3. 2 0. 4 10. 5 56
spinach 2. 9 0. 3 2. 0 22
sorrel 1. 5 0. 3 2. 9 19
mushrooms 3. 5 2. 0 2. 5 30
Cereals and cereals
corn grits 8. 3 1, 2 75. 0 337
pearl barley 9. 3 1, 1 73, 7 320
millet grains 11. 5 3. 3 69, 3 348
barley grits 10. 4 1, 3 66. 3 324
sweets 4. 3 19, 8 67, 5 453
Ice Cream
ice cream 3. 7 6, 9 22, 1 189
pastel 4. 4 23, 4 45. 2 407
Raw materials and seasonings
mustard 5. 7 6. 4 22. 0 162
ginger 1. 8 0. 8 15. 8 80
tomato sauce 1. 8 1. 0 22. 2 93
mayonnaise 2. 4 67. 0 3. 9 627
ground black pepper 10. 4 3. 3 38, 7 251
chili pepper 2. 0 0. 2 9. 5 40
Dairy products
kefir 3. 4 2. 0 4. 7 51
sour cream 2. 8 20. 0 3. 2 206
curdled milk 2. 9 2. 5 4. 1 53
Meat products
pig 16. 0 21, 6 0, 0 259
ham 22. 6 20, 9 0, 0 279
sausage with / dry 24, 1 38, 3 1. 0 455
sausages 10. 1 31. 6 1. 9 332
sausages 12. 3 25. 3 0, 0 277
smoked chicken 27. 5 8. 2 0, 0 184
duck 16. 5 61. 2 0, 0 346
smoked duck 19. 0 28, 4 0, 0 337
goose 16. 1 33, 3 0, 0 364
Fish and seafood
dried fish 17, 5 4. 6 0, 0 139
smoked fish 26. 8 9, 9 0, 0 196
canned fish 17, 5 2. 0 0, 0 88
Oils and fats
animal fat 0, 0 99. 7 0, 0 897
cooking fat 0, 0 99. 7 0, 0 897
pan kvass 0. 2 0, 0 5. 2 27
black tea 20. 0 5, 1 6, 9 152
* the data is indicated per 100 g of product
healthy food for gastritis

Before introducing one of the prohibited foods into the diet, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Diet recipes

Dietetics offers different recipes to diversify the diet for gastritis in adults and children. They have delicate heat treatment regimes, they do not use spices or fats. The main rule of nutrition for a sick stomach: food should be at medium temperature. Eating hot or cold will aggravate ulcerative gastritis. Below we will describe some recipes to eat at home with an upset stomach.

Mucous broth is popular for gastritis of the stomach. This product soothes the gastric mucosa, relieves chronic diseases and increases digestibility.

Viscous rice soup with parsley


  • 1 parsley root;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 200 ml of low-fat broth;
  • fine rice or rice grains;
  • butter on the tip of a knife.


  1. Put the rice in the broth.
  2. In the partial preparation stage, carrots and parsley root cut into pieces are poured into the broth.
  3. When all the ingredients are boiled, grind them through a strainer, blender.
  4. Add portioned butter to plate.

Fish soup with egg

fish soup with egg for gastritis


  • 250 grams of low-fat fish broth;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 egg.


  1. Cut the carrots into small pieces in the broth.
  2. Boil until tender.
  3. Add low-fat boiled fish to a plate and cut into an egg.

Vegetable stew


  • cauliflower;
  • potatoes;
  • bow;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.

Cook chopped onions and carrots on a grater in a little water. After 10 minutes, add the rest of the chopped vegetables. The stew is cooked until smooth. Cooking time 20-30 minutes. Olive oil is added to the vegetable stew before serving.

Menu for a week with stomach gastritis

Patients on a gastritis diet are advised to plan their weekly menu with recipes in advance. A clear action plan will help you avoid unhealthy snacks. It is much easier when the necessary food is prepared in the patient's refrigerator. And a person knows how and what can be quickly prepared from them.

Proper nutrition for gastritis (menu of the week) can look like this:


Food Plates
Breakfast soft-boiled egg, toast, oatmeal, apple and rosehip decoction
Lunch compote of dried fruits (1 glass), biscuit
Lunch buckwheat soup, pumpkin puree, crazy chicken, milk tea
Snack a glass of skim milk, yogurt or kefir, toast (not fried bread)
Dinner noodles with steamed beef meatballs, vegetable salad with sour cream
Bedtime a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk


Food Plates
Breakfast buckwheat porridge, milk souffle, tea
Lunch Sweet Oat Broth (1 cup)
Rice lunch spaghetti soup with beef, peas with boiled carrots, cocoa with milk
Snack Fermented milk cottage cheese
Dinner Steamed Vegetable Stew Meatballs, Herb Honey
Bedtime fruit jelly (glass)


Food Plates
Breakfast fermented milk and honey cottage cheese, toast, dried fruit compote
Lunch a glass of low-fat milk or kefir
Lunch mashed potato soup, turkey vegetable casserole, dried fruit compote
Snack milk souffle with fruits
Dinner rice porridge, boiled beef, boiled carrots with peas, tea with milk
Bedtime cocoa with milk, oatmeal cookies (no more than 2 pieces)


Food Plates
Breakfast oatmeal, low-fat boiled fish, milk tea
Lunch gelatin with milk
Lunch Vegetable soup with chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots, steamed cutlet, cocoa with milk
Snack Fermented milk cottage cheese
Dinner meatball, boiled peas, toast, dried fruit compote
Bedtime a glass of low-fat milk or kefir


Food Plates
Breakfast soft-boiled egg, toast, oatmeal, cocoa with milk
Lunch oat broth (glass)
Lunch pea soup, steamed lean fish, baked pumpkin
Snack gelatin with milk
Dinner vegetable casserole, steamed lean fish, rosehip decoction
Bedtime low-fat kefir (glass), oatmeal cookies (2 pcs. )


Food Plates
Breakfast Roasted apples with cottage cheese and raisins, toasted, non-acidic juice
Lunch a glass of low-fat milk or kefir
Lunch Chicken soup with vegetables, mashed potatoes and carrots, steamed cutlet, cocoa with milk
Snack Fermented milk and honey cottage cheese
Dinner boiled chicken noodles, baked pumpkin, cocoa with milk
Bedtime fruit jelly (glass)


Food Plates
Breakfast buckwheat porridge with milk, milk soufflé, tea
Lunch baked fruit, low-fat milk (glass)
Lunch soup with cauliflower, steamed rice, cocoa with milk
Snack vegetable casserole, tea
Dinner steamed lean fish, boiled carrots and peas, vegetable salad with sour cream, rosehip decoction
Bedtime a glass of low-fat kefir
diet menu for gastritis

The above is an example of a weekly diet plan for a patient being treated for chronic gastritis. Such a menu is described in books on clinical nutrition and clinical nutrition.

Diet n. 1 for gastritis and stomach ulcers

This diet has a well-selected caloric content of up to 3000 kcal, allowing patients to lead an active lifestyle and not experience an energy deficit. A rich selection of foods allowed for gastritis of the stomach creates a menu that will not be bored. This is important, because a person sticks to such a diet and diet for several months to restore the acidity of digestive juices. The first results with gastritis of the stomach can be found after 2 weeks of diet No. 1.

Treatment table excludes completely:

  1. Products with a high content of dietary fiber (fiber): millet, barley, wheat cereals, cabbage of all kinds, radishes, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach;
  2. Any spicy and salty sauces and condiments;
  3. Fat, including pure oil, is not allowed for stomach ailments;
  4. Any broth (including mushroom broth, bean broth), sour first courses: pickles, okroshka, cold soups with the addition of kvass;
  5. Smoked and salty meat delicacies: fatty fish, salted meat, hot dogs and sausages should not be used in the diet for gastritis;
  6. Sour juice of fruits or vegetables;
  7. Fresh baked goods;
  8. Fat and spicy varieties of hard cheese, fermented milk cottage cheese;
  9. Coffee and brewed tea damage the stomach lining;
  10. Alcoholic beverages. Even small amounts in the diet aggravate gastritis.

All products that can be used for gastritis are prepared by baking, stewing, steaming, baking (but without crusts), rough products - clean.

The stomach diet includes:

  1. Steamed or baked fish dish;
  2. Non-acidic vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes: carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini. Fruits: fresh apple, unpeeled peach or gelatin, jelly compote, baking. Otherwise, it can damage the stomach lining;
  3. Low-fat milk, low-fat dairy products (kefir). They will restore the microflora and normalize the activity of the stomach during gastritis;
  4. Boiled noodles, pasta, buckwheat or oatmeal (can use shredded cereals). When preparing a side dish, you can add vegetable broth or milk;
  5. Dry sponge cake without layer, cookies without cream, sugar, milk or non-acid fruit soufflé. They will serve as a source of energy in the diet for gastritis;
  6. White bread in the form of dry toast or croutons;
  7. Soups (vegetables, meat, fish). A prerequisite for the diet - to use low-fat dietary raw materials. An ideal option for the stomach is the hot soup of mashed potatoes, the broth of oats and vegetables, the egg soup;
  8. Lean rabbit meat, poultry: turkey fillet, skinless chicken breast. They simply boil a whole piece for a couple, prepare a steamed cutlet, meatballs, meat puddings for gastritis;
  9. Light tea with plenty of milk, milk-based cocoa, rosehip diet drink. Depending on the acidity of the stomach, you can drink non-carbonated medicinal mineral water.

Diet n. 5 for gastritis

When gastritis is combined with cholecystitis, liver diseases, a person is recommended to diet on table number 5 at home. It is also prescribed for people with mild stomach inflammation. The diet limits the intake of foods rich in uric acid. The list of prohibited foods includes liver, yeast, canned fish, salmon, mushrooms, shrimp, mussels. The diet also limits the consumption of egg yolk.

Vegetable stew with zucchini

vegetable stew with zucchini

To cook stew, you need to take 300 g of potatoes, 150 g of zucchini, 100 g of carrots, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 liter of water, carrot juice.

The zucchini and carrots are washed, cut into slices and cooked with oil. The potatoes are washed, peeled, cut into large slices, filled with water and boiled until tender. Stewed vegetables are added to the finished potatoes with broth, salted, put on a low heat for 10 minutes.

Cabbage Casserole

The casserole is prepared with 150 g of cabbage, 2 tablespoons. l. semolina, 1 egg white, 35 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl and let the semolina rise for 20 minutes. The cabbage is finely chopped and combined with the resulting mixture. A baking dish is greased with vegetable oil and placed in a preheated oven, baking until tender.

Consequences of not following the diet

In case of refusing to follow a diet for any type of gastritis, the patient may face the following problems:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas, duodenum, large and small intestine (as a result of impaired stomach function);
  • significant weight loss (fear of eating);
  • peptic ulcer and its consequences: perforation of the ulcer, penetration of the ulcer - germination in the organ, bleeding;
  • formation of atrophic gastritis and its transformation into stomach cancer.

Dieting for gastritis not only makes life easier for the patient, but also disciplines the person.

The gastritis treatment table is a complete and healthy food, it is the normalization of the lifestyle, the rejection of bad habits and low-quality products. In addition, a diet for gastritis helps to normalize weight (those who have lost weight gain weight, and overweight people lose weight), since timely and nutritious nutrition not only normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, but also all metabolic processes, andtherefore, it strengthens the immune system.